Category: MITPM
9th MITPM Conference 2013 – Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone

[] Following the successful debut of the 1st Annual International Mastering IT Project Management (MITPM) Conference, MITPM is entering year 9, with total anticipated participations of more than 400 professional project practitioners ! Since its inception in 2005, MITPM has been a platform for prominent international practitioners to address the ever-growing…
8th MITPM Conference 2012 – Innovative Transformations

[] 8th MITPM INNOVATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS 15th Oct 2012, GRAND DORSETT SUBANG HOTEL, MALAYSIA Economic Shift, Transformation, Innovation – the most sighted key words in 2012. How can you prepare for the CHANGES? MITPM 2012: Innovative Transformations present to you a series of knowledge and experiences sharing sessions delivered by the experts in…