Entrepreneurship internships are a fantastic starting point if you are plans to start your own company in the future. Entrepreneurs have been shown to amass even personal fortunes through the development of their companies. Interning at a start-up provides a different career path from a typical graduate job, but offer some of the most exciting opportunities and rewards available for the most courageous ones. Work environments and responsibilities differ very much compared to a corporate internship and most of the startups that Absolute Internship partners with are situated in an exciting, fast-growing startup incubator. We have excellent relationships with the most well-known and recognized startup incubators in our program destinations.
An Entrepreneurship intern, you will be connected with exciting start-up companies, innovation-oriented companies or and entrepreneurial social ventures. You will work in a fast growing, ever changing business environment of a startup company. You may have the opportunity to draft business plans, perform market research, and help small business owners with everyday operations. You would need to be be comfortable with constant change and work with various responsibilities at the same time. This true uncertainty provides a great experience as you will acquire important business skills from different sectors of a business such as business development, finance, marketing, public relations and many more. All relevant and applicable in any future job you will take on.
Application Inquiry Contact: O’ Neil LIM (oneil@mpc.org.my)