Half Yearly Form 2013 May – PMO Implementation

MSCPMP Circle Half Yearly Forum: PMO Implementation – Challenges and Respond. 24th June, Monday 2013 | Royal Lake Club, MALAYSIA PMO is probably one of the widely misused words in the space of project management. Is PMO project, program, portfolios or performance management office? Establishing a successful PMO posed another set of challenges.…

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8th MITPM Conference 2012 – Innovative Transformations

[www.mitpm.org] 8th MITPM INNOVATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS 15th Oct 2012, GRAND DORSETT SUBANG HOTEL, MALAYSIA Economic Shift, Transformation, Innovation – the most sighted key words in 2012. How can you prepare for the CHANGES? MITPM 2012: Innovative Transformations present to you a series of knowledge and experiences sharing sessions delivered by the experts in…

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